Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (2025)

Quick Links

  • Go to the Start of the Climb

  • Talk to Wekatta

  • Find the Other Climbers

  • Assist Penttoh

  • Defeat the Frostclaw

  • Return to Wekatta

The region that players explore in Horizon Forbidden West is primarily Tenakth territory. The Tenakth are known for being fierce combatants that do not take kindly to outsiders in their lands. Yet over the course of the story, Aloy becomes a welcome sight for those who need help.

In the side quest A Soldier's March, Aloy is asked to find a Tenakth soldier that has gone missing. They attempted to complete a trial called the March of the Ten, and they have yet to return from it. This guide will show Horizon Forbidden West players where to start A Soldier's March and how to complete it.

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Go to the Start of the Climb

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (1)

In order to start this side quest, go to the Bulwark and speak with Jekkah. She is hoping that Aloy can find her brother, Penttoh, as he hasn't returned from his trial. Once the quest starts, follow the waypoint to reach a steep cliff. Walk up towards the rock wall to spot an area where it is possible to climb up. Climb all the way up to reach a small camp where some Tenakth soldiers are standing guard.

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Talk to Wekatta

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (2)

Wekatta is in command of the group of Tenakth soldiers. Several of their soldiers, Penttoh included, are trapped up at the top of the mountain due to a severe storm. During the cutscene, one of the soldiers manage to make it back down and give news about an avalanche that occurred.

Find the Other Climbers

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (3)

The storm is not letting up, and Aloy does not want to wait for it to clear. Follow the waypoint to continue searching for the missing Tenakth. At one point, players will need to climb up a small rock wall to continue following the path. Eventually, players will encounter a Tenakth soldier fighting one Stalker. Help him kill it and then talk to him to trigger a cutscene.

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Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (4)

After the cutscene, continue going up and look for another rock wall that can be climbed. Reach the top and then use the Focus to find tracks. Follow them to reach another rock wall that needs to be climbed up. Go up as far as possible and then jump and glide to reach a spot where the Pullcaster can be used to quickly go higher up the mountain.

Assist Penttoh

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (5)

Upon reaching the top, players will spot Penttoh locked in combat with three Leaplashers. Aim for their components to quickly kill them. Once they are all dead, talk to Penttoh to trigger a cutscene. Despite the weather, Penttoh is determined to finish the trial and won't take no for an answer.

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Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (6)

After the cutscene, climb up the rock wall directly ahead. Eventually the path ends, and players will need to use the Pullcaster to get to the other side. Push the tree down to form a bridge so that Penttoh can cross as well. There is also a Datapoint next to the tree that be scanned and acquired. Use the newly formed fridge to access the rest of the rock wall that can be climbed up. After getting to the top, get ready for a fight.

Defeat the Frostclaw

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (7)

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A large Frostclaw machine emerges, and the only way to continue the side quest is to kill it. Dodge its attacks and shoot off components to take it out. Once the machine has been destroyed, follow Penttoh up to the top of the mountain. Once Penttoh stops walking, talk to him to trigger a cutscene. Before going back down, make sure to grab the Datapoint that is up on the summit as well. While it is not an objective for the side quest, players may want to take the time and enjoy the view.

Return to Wekatta

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (8)

To quickly return to Wekatta, jump off of the mountain and use the glider. Talk to Wekatta to trigger a cutscene and the side quest will end and players will get 5,400 XP and two Skill Points as a reward.

Horizon Forbidden West is available now on PS4 and PS5.

Horizon Forbidden West: A Soldier's March Walkthrough (2025)


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Name: Duane Harber

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