A Canterlot Wedding-The Alternate Ending (2025)

by Firebolt Blitz

Chapter 1: Chapter 2 - Remorse of the Faithful

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Chapter 2 - Remorse of the Faithful

Twilight dashed through the halls of the castle, passing by several Royal Guards, servants or guests. Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. All she cared about was just going back to her quarters, before crying her eyes out, packing her things and leaving Canterlot, wanting to get away from those who no longer cared for her. Before long, she had reached her old quarters from when she was living in the castle, still in her early days as Celestia's protege. After throwing the doors open and shut with her magic, the lavender unicorn threw herself on her bed, crying every fibre of her pain out of her. From the shock she felt when Shining disproved everything she thought she knew about Fake Cadance before stripping her of the role of Best Mare and even the privilege of being at the wedding, to the horror and abandonment she felt when all five of her friends, even Spike, walked out on her with their eyes closed and their faces morphed into indignant frowns, to the utter pain and heartbreak she felt when Celestia stabbed her with a verbal dagger. This was made worse with the memories of Fake Cadance sending her into the depths of the Canterlot Caves through a ring of burning green flames, followed by the former taunting Twilight about how nopony would think to look for her, considering nopony even knew the caves existed, and topping all of this was the memory of Twilight finding the real Cadance. In a sudden rush of sheer and profound joy, Twilight's suspicions about the Fake Cadance were finally cemented with her discovery of the real Cadance, because if she were wrong about Fake Cadance being evil, trying to defend her case would be a foal's gambit. All of this was going down a pair of raging waterfalls that flowed down the mare's face. As she cried, there were three audible, but gentle knocks on the door.

"Twilight, it's Cadance. May I come in?"

Twilight looked up at the door, which she had locked earlier after slamming it shut. Recognizing the voice of her foalsitter, she unlocked the door, allowing Cadance to open it. As the pink alicorn stepped inside, Twilight's heart melted at the sight of her face. It bore one of her greatest and most nostalgic hallmarks; a caring, sympathetic smile.

"Oh Cadance......" Sobbed Twilight, who embraced the former in a hug. Cadance could do little more than stroke her mane with a free hoof while trying to soothe the unicorn with comforting words.

"Shhh, it's OK sweetie. Just let it out" Cooed Candace softly, still dutifully caring for the filly she was entrusted with. Each and every sob that Twilight sobbed made Cadance shake a little, but still she held onto the unicorn for all she was worth.

"Please......please don't leave me" Whimpered Twilight, still suffering from the intense effects her memories were forcing upon her.

"Never. I'll never leave you Twily" Said Cadance soothingly. However, Twilight seemed to only cry harder. Perhaps the word "Twily" sparked connotations between Twilight and the memory of her brother banishing her. Despite this, Cadance continued to console the distraught unicorn with all the love she had to give and more. Only the Creator knew how long they were going to be there, but that mattered little to Cadance. For now, it was just her and Twilight. Just them and nopony else who could disturb their peace.

Back in the wedding hall, there was little more than seven ponies with the responsibility of Canterlot's invasion laid on their shoulders, a baby dragon devastated by Twilight's revelation, while also disgusted at his own reaction to the lavender unicorn's outburst at the wedding rehearsal. To top it all off, there was an overbearing and very heavy feeling of speechlessness and regret hanging over the room. Oftentimes, an artist would find a scene worthy of a new painting, and it would fall to him to transfer that scene from real life to canvas, thereby creating a transcendent work of art. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. the Mane 5 could do little more than look at each other, speechless and shaken. Shining Armor was sat down on his rump atop the altar/throne, crestfallen and wallowing in self-disgust. As for Celestia, even though her mane still billowed proudly from her scalp, she looked very forlorn and remorseful. After a long moment of silence, Fluttershy managed to speak the question that hung on everypony's minds.

"Were we........really that cruel?"

Applejack could only look at her with a face that bore a very clear expression of horror. They were supposed to have learned their lesson after the incident they dubbed as "Lesson Zero", but in truth, they had learned nothing. How were they able to come to Twilight's aid the first time, when they did not the second time? How could they have no patience for their best friend the one time she was in the wrong, after all the times she helped them with their mistakes? How could they simply leave her hurt and alone after everything she had done for them? Just as the cowpony was about to reply, a voice rang out from across the room.

"Yes Fluttershy, you really were that cruel to her. You all were."

The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia turned their heads to the source of the voice. Said source was Spike, who was facing the wall with his head bowed not in reverence, but in sadness. In his hands he held his top hat. At first, the baby dragon did nothing, but then, in the corner of her eye Applejack spotted Spike's hands curl into fists, fueled by his disgust, anger and frustration. Suddenly, with authority Spike threw his hat on the ground, not caring in the slightest about whatever damage it suffered. Preceded by a chorus of gasps from the Mane 5, Spike turned to face them, his face contorted into one of outrage.

"I can't believe ANY of you! How could you walk out on your best friend like that?! How can you even call yourselves her friends anymore?!"

The Mane 5 were left speechless. First it was Twilight giving them a tongue-lashing, but now it was Spike. The difference here was that while Twilight was wronged, Spike was as much part of this disaster as Princess Luna was. Speaking of the latter, Celestia was wondering, on a side note, where she was during the Changeling invasion. However, that mattered little now, as she too was about to receive the brunt of Spike's fury. The latter turned to Shining Armor next.

"Shining Armor, how could you be so unspeakably cruel to your own sister?! All she was doing was trying to save your high and mighty flank from getting beat by the Changelings, and THAT is how you repay her?! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Applejack had heard enough at this point. She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. Stepping forward, she spoke with newfound determination.

"Just who in the hay do you think you are Spike? How dare you lecture us on how to be Twilight's friends!"

Spike immediately shot Applejack a glare in hopes it would send shivers down her spine. While it failed to, that didn't stop him from opening his mouth.

"What gives you the right to question me, AJ?" Snapped Spike.

"We are Twilight's friends! We already apologized for our mistakes! We do not need this to continue! And as for you, you walked out on her too! All you cared about that whole day was playing with the wedding cake decorations! What gives you the divine right to lecture us when you are guilty of the same sins?!" Applejack retorted.

"I did not commit the same sins you did!"

"Then why did you walk out on her?!"


Silence fell over the room once more. Whatever thunder Applejack was packing was quickly silenced. As for Spike, he was very much pushed to his limits here. He was just a boy. He didn't stay with Twilight not because he willingly chose to leave Twilight to wallow in her misery. The reason he left lay largely with popular choice, and that was to just leave Twilight to think about what she had done. He didn't like leaving Twilight so broken, but he didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either. Unfortunately, like the Mane 5, Shining and Celestia, he fell for the same delusions that Twilight was still in the wedding hall, wallowing in her misery. He had no idea that Chrysalis had imprisoned her in the caves, or that her life was in danger, but now that he did, it was taking a bad toll on him.

"Don't you get it?! Is your pride too stubborn for you to admit that the way you treated Twilight was wrong?! Did you, all of you, forget that Canterlot was under threat of an attack?!"

Applejack could not answer. She was failing to find words to counter Spike's arguments. Even if she had managed to find an answer, it didn't matter anyway. Spike was not finished yet.

"I left Twilight, because I had no choice! I wasn't comfortable with leaving her, but I didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either! Unlike you, I would never leave Twilight unless the circumstances demanded it, but you.......you were all so caught up in the wedding that it became all that mattered to you! Clearly you are the worst examples of friends I have ever seen, because you are all perfectly ready and willing to leave Twilight when it suits you, now am I right or am I not?"

The Mane 5 were completely stuck for words. Applejack had nothing else to say. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble.

"But.......Spike.......we became Twilight's friends for a reason. Surely you haven't forgotten, right?"

"No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. Did you become Twilight's friends because you liked her and wanted to be best friends forever? Or did you become her friends because you sought the fame and glory you would eventually gain from your numerous exploits as the Elements of Harmony?"

With that, Rarity had lost anything and everything she was going to say. Spike had her well and truly beaten.

"I'm sorry Rarity, but it seems Twilight was right. What kind of ponies are you? Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, AJ, clearly you are not worthy of the time of a pony like Twilight Sparkle, and by extension, you are not worthy of my time either. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. I am her number one assistant, and one of the few loyal friends she still has. Good day to you all!"

With that, Spike began marching out of the room, tearing off his tuxedo as a symbolic reminder of the corruptive power of the wedding. How it got the seven key ponies ultimately responsible for Canterlot's safety to drop every responsibility they had to the safety of the city in order to spend their time preparing for something as trivial as a wedding. Rainbow tried going after him, but Applejack raised a hoof to stop her; it was best that they did not disturb either Spike or Twilight at this time.

After a while of walking, Spike eventually reached Twilight's quarters, where he saw Princess Cadance closing the door leading inside. With authority, the baby dragon approached the Princess of Love to state his business.

"Princess Cadance, I'm here to see Twilight. I want to make up for my actions at the rehearsal."

Spike's request was greeted with a smile, but Cadance wisely remembered Twilight might not be too pleased to see him.

"You may see her, young Spike, but take heed. She may not be happy to see you, but if I know her, she will forgive you. After all, one cannot be mad at a child for simply going with the flow. Just make sure you knock before entering."

With that, Spike nodded and marched up to the door, Cadance stepping aside. He proceeded to knock on the door.

"Who's there?" Asked Twilight from inside.

"It's Spike. I'm........I'm here to say sorry."

There was a pause. Spike took it to mean Twilight rejected his request, until he heard the door unlock. Before his eyes, it opened to reveal Twilight, who was packing her saddlebags.

"Come in Spike."

Spike gently stepped inside, with intent to repent. Behind him, the door closed and locked again, sealing him away from the outside world. Twilight faced him, neither smiling nor frowning. Taking a deep breath, Spike proceeded to talk.

"Twilight, I'm here to say sorry for leaving you at the rehearsal. I did not do it on purpose. I did it because I was left no choice. Shining Armor had left you. The girls were leaving you........what could I have done? Please believe me, it didn't feel right to leave you hurting like that, but I didn't want to be ejected from the wedding either. I chose to go with the flow rather than get shouted at for believing you before getting left alone as well. Please, you must believe me. I'm your number one assistant. Had the circumstances been any different, I would've happily stayed with you, but........you know. I'm so sorry Twilight. Please forgive me."

Spike bowed his head, fearing whatever reaction he'd get from Twilight. What he got instead was nowhere near what he was expecting: a hug.

"Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you?" Replied Twilight lovingly. She was glad there was still somepony loyal to her. "You really are my best friend Spike. I'm so happy you still believe in me." Spike could only smile at that. He was delighted Twilight was able to forgive him, but the question remained; would she be able to forgive the others?

"What now Twi?" Asked Spike.

"Pack your things Spike. We're going home, considering I'm not welcome here anymore."

With that, Spike began packing his things. What awaited himself and Twilight now was a long ride home.Next Chapter: Chapter 3 - Baptism of FireEstimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 36 Minutes

A Canterlot Wedding-The Alternate Ending (2025)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.