200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (2024)

200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (1)

May 18, 2021 by Nicole Canún Spanish Vocabulary 0 comments

200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment

If you have a cita (appointment) at a Spanish hair salon, this lesson is for you. Here you’ll find plenty of words and phrases about hairstyles, products, and services to get a simple retouch or a complete makeover.

It’ll also help you make an appointment and communicate in Spanish with the receptionist, hair stylist, makeup and nail artist, or barber.

Read ahead to learn more about this experience for your upcoming trip to Latin America or if you want to practice with your local Spanish-speaking stylist.

¡Vamos al salón de belleza!
Let’s go to the beauty salon!

The Basics – Los Básicos

This section covers basic hairstyles, beauty salon elements, and how to pay at the Spanish hair salon.

  • Beauty shop – La estética
  • Hair – El pelo / El cabello
  • Head – La cabeza
  • Full head of hair – El cabello abundante
  • Mirror – El espejo
  • Brittle hair – El cabello quebradizo
  • Straight hair – El cabello lacio
  • Curly hair – El cabello rizado / chino
  • Magazines – Las revistas
  • Wait time – El tiempo de espera
  • Front desk – La recepción
200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (2)


  • Cheap – Barato/a
  • Expensive – Caro/a
  • Bill – La cuenta
  • Money – El dinero
  • Debit card – La tarjeta de débito
  • Credit card – La tarjeta de crédito
  • Change – El cambio
  • Tip – La propina


  • Barbershop – La peluquería
  • Sideburns – Las patillas
  • Round / rounded – Redondo
  • Square / squared – Cuadrado
  • Hair shaver – La máquina rasuradora
  • To shave – Afeitar

Washing your Hair – Lavarte el pelo

Need a quick wash and dry or a second rinse at the Spanish hair salon? No problem!

  • Water – El agua
  • To wash – Lavar
  • To rinse – Enjuagar
  • To dry – Secar
  • Hot – Caliente
  • Hot water – El agua caliente
  • Cold – Frío/a
  • Cold water – El agua fría
  • Warm – Tibio/a, Templado/a
  • Warm water – El agua tibia
  • Shampoo – el shampoo / el champú
  • Conditioner – El acondicionador
  • Wash and dry – El lavado y secado
  • Sink – El lavabo

Get a Haircut – Obtén un Corte de Pelo

Don’t get a bad haircut! Learn how to say exactly what you want in Spanish with these phrases. Get your hair layered, thinned, trimmed, and more!

  • To cut – Cortar
  • Scissors – Las tijeras
  • Haircut – El corte de pelo
  • To cut into layers – Cortar en capas
  • To thin hair – Degrafilar
  • Symmetric – Simétrico
  • Asymmetric – Asimétrico
  • Hair tips – Las puntas de pelo
  • Bangs – El fleco
  • Split ends – La orzuela / Las puntas partidas / Las puntas abiertas
  • Short – Corto/a
  • Long – Largo/a
  • Down to the shoulders – Al hombro
  • Fingers – Los dedos*

*It is customary in Latin America to say how many “fingers” of hair you want cut off. Measuring by centimeters or inches is rare.

200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (3)

Dye your Hair – Píntate el Pelo

Enter the Spanish hair salon as a brunette and go out as a blonde, or the other way around. Use these words to talk to your colorist about your options and what best suits you.

  • Roots – Los raíces
  • Growth – crecimiento
  • Hair color – El color de pelo
  • Natural color – El color naturala
  • Hair colorist – La / el colorista
  • Brush – Brocha
  • Brushing – Cepillar
  • Hair tinting – Matizante de pelo
  • Bleach – Decolorante
  • To bleach – Decolorar
  • Bleached – Decolorado/a
  • Bleaching – La decoloración
  • Dye – El tinte
  • To dye – Teñir / Pintar pelo
  • Peroxide – El peróxido / El agua oxigenada
  • Graying hair – El cabello canoso
  • Brush – La brocha

Hair Colors – Colores de Pelo

  • Copper – Cobrizo
  • Brunette – Pelo castaño
  • Black – Negro
  • Red – Rojo
  • White – Blanco
  • Blue – Azul
  • Pink – Rosa
  • Purple – Morado
  • Golden – dorado
  • Brown – Café / castaño
  • Reddish-brown – Castaño roji*zo
  • Light brown – Castaño claro
  • Dark brown – Castaño oscuro
  • Medium brown – Castaño medio
  • Burgundy – Borgoña
  • Rainbow – Arcoiris
  • Shades – Tonos
  • Light – Claro
  • Lighten – Aclarar
  • Streaks – Las mechas
  • Grey hairs – Las canas

Hairstyles – Estilos de peinado

Try different hairstyles like waves, curls, straight hair, braids, or a high ponytail at the Spanish hair salon. Communicate with your hairstylist using these words in Spanish!

  • Ponytail – La cola de caballo
  • Waves – Las ondas
  • Wavy hair – El cabello ondulado
  • Updo – Recogido / El pelo recogido
  • Braids – Las trenzas
  • Half ponytail – La media cola
  • Ringlet – El bucle
  • Straightened hair – El cabello planchado
  • Curly hair – El cabello rizado
  • Messed up – Alborotado/a
  • Tied back – Amarrado/a
  • Bouffant – Abombado/a
  • Bun – El chongo
  • Classic – Clásico
  • Romantic – Romántico/a
  • Modern – Moderno/a
  • Avant-gard – Vanguardista
  • Unique – Único/a
  • Towards the front – Hacia adelante
  • Towards the back – Hacia atrás
  • Outwards – Hacia afuera
  • Inwards – Hacia adentro
  • Style – El estilo
  • Curls – Rulos
  • Nape of the neck – La nuca
  • Heat – El calor
  • Volume – El volumen

Products and Elements – Productos y Elementos

  • Hair gel – El gel para pelo
  • Hairspray – La laca / El aerosol / El spray
  • Straightener / flat iron – La plancha para pelo / La plancha para alaciar
  • Curling iron / curler – La tenaza
  • Soft twist roller – El bigudí
  • Blow dryer – La secadora
  • Blow dryer nozzle – La boquilla de la secadora
  • Flat brush – El cepillo plano
  • Round brush – El cepillo redondo
  • Bristle – La cerda
  • Hair clip – El pasador
  • Wax – La cera
  • Comb – El peine
  • Gloss – El abrillantador
  • Styling cream – La crema estilizadora / para peinar
  • Ornament – El accesorio

Services – Servicios

  • Hair drying – Secado de pelo
  • Perm – El permanente
  • Straighten – Alaciar
  • Straightening – El alaciado
  • Permanent straightening – El alaciado permanente
  • Temporary straightening – El alaciado temporal
  • Brushing – El cepillado
  • Detangled – Desenredar
  • Emphasize / accentuate – Acentuar
  • Hairstylist – El / la estilista
200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (4)

Hair Treatment – Tratamiento para pelo

Is your hair damaged? Do you want to bring it back to life? Don’t worry! Ask the experts about the hair treatments on-store and the correct way to nourish your hair at home. Learn all you need to know about hair masks, oils, and hair types before going to the Spanish hair salon.

Hair type – Tipo de pelo

  • Oily hair – El cabello graso
  • Dry hair – El cabello seco
  • Mixed dry and oily hair – El cabello mixto

Oils – Aceites

  • Avocado oil – El aceite de aguacate
  • Jojoba oil – El aceite de jojoba
  • Almond oil – El aceite de almendras
  • Castor oil – El aceite de ricino
  • Olive oil – El aceite de oliva
  • Coconut oil – El aceite de coco
  • Sesame oil – El aceite de sésamo
  • Argan oil – El aceite de argán
  • Wheat germ oil – El aceite de germen de trigo

Other Ingredients – Otros ingredientes

  • Egg – El huevo
  • Milk – La leche
  • Water of roses – El agua de rosas
  • Rose petals – Los pétalos de rosa
  • Banana – El banano
  • Avocado – El aguacate
  • Shea butter – El karité
  • Keratin – La keratina

Damage Control – Control de Daños

  • Advice – Los consejos
  • Hair treatment / capillary treatment – El tratamiento de cabello / capilar
  • Dandruff – La caspa
  • Alopecia – La alopecia
  • Baldness – La calvicie
  • Stiff – Acartonado/a
  • Hair loss – La pérdida de pelo
  • Fix hair – Arreglarse el pelo
  • Soft – Suave
  • Coarse – Áspero/a
  • Shiny – Brillante
  • Thick hair – El cabello grueso
  • Thin hair – El cabello delgado
  • Frizzy hair – El cabello crespo
  • Healthy hair – El cabello sano
  • Damaged hair – El cabello dañado
  • Hair growth – El crecimiento de cabello
  • Grow back – Crecer de nuevo
  • Body – El cuerpo
  • Scalp – El cuero cabelludo
  • Hair care – Cuidado de pelo
  • Intensive – Intensivo
  • Irritation – La irritación

Hair Nourishing – Nutrición de cabello

  • Hair lotion – La loción capilar
  • Hair ampoule – La ampolleta
  • Application – La aplicación
  • Anti-frizz – El anti-esponjado
  • Moisturize – Hidratar
  • Damp – Humedecer
  • Scalp massage – El masaje del cuero cabelludo

Other Services – Otros Servicios

Get other services as part of your makeover at the Spanish hair salon. Nails, hair removal, and facial treatments are on the menu.

  • Gel nails – Las uñas de gel
  • Long nails – Las uñas largas
  • Short nails – Las uñas cortas
  • Rounded nails – Las uñas redondas
  • Square nails – Las uñas cuadradas
  • Cuticle – La cutícula
  • Manicure – La manicura
  • Manicurist – El / la manicurista
  • Pedicure – La pedicura
  • Pedicurist – La / el pedicurista
  • Acrylic nails – Las uñas acrílicas
  • Hair removal – La depilación
  • Waxing – La depilación con cera
  • Laser depilation – La depilación con láser
  • Skin cleansing – La limpieza de cutis
  • Facial treatment – El tratamiento facial
  • Body treatment – El tratamiento corporal
  • Makeup artist – La / el maquillista
200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (5)

How To Make An Appointment

Here are some examples of how to make an appointment at the Spanish hair salon on the phone, online, or in person.

Quisiera hacerme un corte de pelo.
I would like to get a haircut.

Me gustaría teñirme el pelo.
I would like to dye my hair.

Quiero hacer una cita para pintarme el pelo.
I want to make an appointment to dye my hair.

¿Tiene citas para el día de mañana?
Do you have appointments for tomorrow?

Necesito una afeitada y un corte.
I need a shave and a haircut.

¿Me da una cita para uñas acrílicas?
Can I make an appointment to get acrylic nails?

At the Salon

Check out these example sentences for talking to your hairdresser in Spanish.

Vengo a cambiar mi color de cabello.
I’m here to change the color of my hair.

¿Cuánto tiempo va a tomar?
How long will it take?

¿Puede mostrarme diferentes colores y tonos?
Can you show me different colors and shades?

Quisiera un corte de pelo y un secado.
I would like to get a haircut and a blow-dry.

¿Qué me recomiendas?
What do you recommend?

Córtelo un poco más, por favor.
Cut it a little more, please.

¿Cuánto cuesta el corte?
¿How much does the cut cost?

¿El precio incluye el peinado?
Does the price include the hairstyle?

¿Qué peinado me recomienda?
What hairstyle do you recommend?

No tengo cita, ¿me podrá peinar?
I don’t have an appointment; can you style my hair?

Quiero un despunte solamente.
I just want a trim.

Quiero alaciarme el pelo.
I want to straighten my hair.

¿Qué tan dañado tengo mi pelo?
How damaged is my hair?

Quiero algo diferente.
I want something different.

¿Puedo hablar con el estilista?
Can I speak to the stylist?

Deme un corte estilo Bob.
Give me a bob cut.

Por favor utilice la tenaza.
Please use the curler.

Déjeme las patillas como están.
Leave my sideburns as they are.

Pagaré con tarjeta de crédito.
I will pay with a credit card.

Aquí está tu propina.
Here’s your tip.

¿Puede enjuagarme de nuevo el pelo?
Can I get a second rinse?

El agua está muy caliente.
The water is too hot.

¿Me puede desenredar el pelo por favor?
Can you detangle my hair please?

¿Podría usar otro producto? Ese no me gusta.
Can you use a different product? I do not like that one.

It’s Time To Practice!

Now that you have learned 200+ words related to Spanish hair salons, it’s time to take the next step. Practice and solidify this knowledge by having real-life conversations with real Spanish speakers. Become a part of the HSA family and join our 24,000+ monthly enrolled students. Get a Spanish package tailored to your needs, and earn high school credit. Sign up today for a free class!

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

  • ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
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  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
  • Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Author
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Nicole Canún

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Blogger, content creator, and marketer. Proudly Mexican. Been to 30 countries. I love learning from different cultures and trying their cuisines. Obsessed with Asia. Fluent in Spanish and English, not so much in French.

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200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases for Your Next Appointment (2024)


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.